About Us

Our Solution Stack includes Hosted Voice over IP Services, Application and Web Development, Wireless, Local and Wide-Area Networking, as well as Managed Services. Our Core Competencies include Information Worker Solutions, Networking Infrastructure Solutions, Advanced Infrastructure Solutions, Microsoft Business Solutions, and we are a Microsoft Small Business Specialist.

Did you know that there are more than 45,000 new viruses being discovered every day? Many of them tend to infect Microsoft Windows, which is the Operating System used on the largest number of computers. For protection against these viruses, computer repair agents need to have sophisticated and secure virus removal processes in place. In addition to damaging the computers themselves, viruses can also spread over networks and infect several machines. This is likely to cause problems in emails, which could affect your family, friends and colleagues. Then there is the risk of leaking cryptic passwords, which could allow hackers to access your confidential data. Our computer repair technicians are armed with the necessary security software to prevent infection to networks. We make sure that virus removal is carried out in the correct manner, so that the computer is protected against future attacks. You can be assured of personal attention from every professional technician while choosing our services.

Corporate repairs

We offer quality on-site business services, performed by certified technicians.

For your business to be competitive, having a computer network is now a necessity for business computer use. Whether you have a dedicated server or just need to share a high speed Internet connection, the Computer Clinic can design and install a secured wired or wireless network for your office. We can also provide all of the on-going business networking support that your business needs to grow cost effectively.